Formosan Termites in San Antonio Texas

Are you worried about Formosan termites taking over your home in San Antonio? Sadly, most people are only concerned once they discover what a Formosan Termite species is. First, they are called Coptotermes formosanus by extreme bug nerds to get scholarly. But we are not getting that technical. This isn’t written for those guys with lab coats watching termites eat; this is written to educate a homeowner about the reality of a bug that can destroy your home. Now, if you have heard of them, you’re not alone in your fear - these destructive pests can damage homes and other buildings extensively. 

Fortunately, Pest Trappers is here to help! With years of experience and the latest technology, our seasoned technicians can inspect your home for signs of an infestation and initiate a plan to protect your home from future problems. 

Don’t Let Formosan Termites Take Over Your Home

It only takes these particular subterranean termites a short time to destroy a home. These are not native and are much more destructive than we have ever seen. Don’t wait - call us now to beat Formosan termites before they beat you!

What Are Formosan Termites, And Are They Subterranean Termites?

Formosan termites are subterranean termites native to Asia but are now found throughout the United States. They are considered the most destructive species of termite in San Antonio. They can quickly induce extensive damage to homes and other buildings due to their large colonies and aggressive habits. Pest Trappers can further protect your home from these destructive pests.

Signs of Formosan Termites

Formosan termites can be difficult to identify until they have caused substantial damage to your home. However, you should know some common signs of Formosan termite infestations. Look out for mud tubes on the exterior of your home, wood that sounds hollow when tapped, and wings discarded by swarming termites. You must call a professional to inspect your home if you notice any of these signs.

How Can Pest Trappers Help?

Pest Trappers offers professional Formosan termite control and prevention services. Our professional technicians can inspect your home for signs of an infestation and help set up a plan to protect your home and prevent future problems.

Why Choose Pest Trappers?

At Pest Trappers, we are committed to providing the best pest control services in San Antonio. We are licensed and insured, and all our technicians have years of experience. We use the latest technology and methods to ensure the San Antonio Termite Control is done right the first time and your home is safe from Formosan termites and native subterranean termites. We also offer competitive pricing and excellent customer service.

Don’t Wait - Call Pest Trappers Now!

If you think you may have an infestation of Formosan termites, don’t wait - call Pest Trappers today! We can help protect your home from these destructive pests and ensure that your home is safe from Formosan termites.

Identifying the Formosan Subterranean Termite

Regular and Formosan subterranean termites are both pests that can cause significant damage to structures. Still, there are some key differences between them. For example, regular subterranean termite swarmers are black and measure three-eighths of an inch long from head wings. In contrast, Formosan termite swarmers are tan in color and measure half an inch from head to wings. Native subterranean termite soldiers only make up about 1–3% of the colony, whereas Formosan colonies have 15–20%.

More About The Formosan Termite Soldiers

The Formosan Termite Soldiers are so interesting that they deserve their own section. Did you know when the Formosan Termite Soldier feels harrases, they excrete a type of chemical? Regular subterranean soldiers don’t do this, but the Formosan is so set on saving the colony that they will extrude a white glue-like material. These soldier termites are ready for war to make sure their colonies flourish.

About Those Hard-Working Formosan Termite Workers

A colony can only exist with workers. A soldier might argue that they do all the work, but their workers actually do the hard labor. The Formosan Termite Workers may not look like much. Still, they can be some of the most dangerous in any subterranean termite colony. They will constantly burrow, and this can cause severe structural damage to your home without you noticing until it is too late. They can destroy the wood structures, taking the chewed wood from your window sills to your wood floors to the ground. When you are at the stage of an infested structure, there are typically several million termites. This is a super termite; it is ready to destroy. Don’t worry; it’s not personal, this subterranean termite species just wants to get established as fast as possible.

Formosan Termites Swarm The Weather Radar

Yes, crazy Formosan termite facts. When Formosan termites swarm, they can show up on the weather radar! They swarm in late May, June, or early July and are so numerous that they register on the radar like a rainstorm. This phenomenon occurs annually in many parts of the southern United States. It is a sure sign that you must keep an eye out for these crafty and destructive bugs.

Those Formosan termite swarmers are a mix of male and female reproductive termites, future kings, and queens. Sadly, these are not the royalty you want in your home, so call Pest Trappers and let our termite professionals take care of the problem for you.

How Bad Is A Formosan Termite Infestation?

About as bad as a house fire. See, it takes these particular subterranean termites only a short time to destroy a home. The Formosan Termite is considered the most destructive species of termite in Texas. It can generate extensive damage to homes and other buildings in a short time due to their great colonies and aggressive habits. So if you see smoke coming from your home, how long would you wait to call the fire department? That is why you should contact Pest Trappers as soon as you see the signs of a Formosan Termite infestation.

Always Make Sure There Is No Wood To Ground Contact Around Your Home

No wooden parts of your home should be in contact with the soil. This means that all lumber, siding, and wooden decks should be inches from the ground. It is also essential for termite prevention to ensure there are no other entry points for these subterranean termites to get into your home. Ensure pipes and wires leading into your house are properly sealed, and check any cracks or crevices around windows and doors.

This includes firewood, scrap wood, and fallen limbs. Remove these items immediately, as they provide an easy entry point for Formosan termite colonies. If you find a colony, do not try to remove it yourself. Call Pest Trappers and have our experts take care of the problem for you.

Formosan Termite Prevention and Control in San Antonio

Pest Trappers will create a soil treatment around the entire perimeter of your home that will protect you from the native subterranean species and Formosans. See, Formosan termites feed day and night, and as they do, they take it underground to feed the colony. This is where they cross the chemical barrier and carry it to the rest of the colony; they become termite baits. So take that, you glue-secreting Formosan termite soldiers! This will destroy an active colony of indigenous subterranean termites and other termite species, including Formosan termites, and stop winged reproductives from starting a single colony.

Pest Trappers has the best technology and most up-to-date treatments for Formosan termite prevention and management in San Antonio. From treatment to inspection, our team of experts will ensure your property is protected from these wood-destroying pests. Contact us today so we can start helping you protect your home from the destructive Formosan termite.

Contact Us for the best Formosan Termite Control San Antonio
termite control san antonio found termite activity in a privacy fence next to a house and is showing how his finger can go through the wood after the termites damaged it. A common way termites establish their colony before attacking a home.