San Antonio Pest Control Services

Click on your particular pest to learn more about our services.
Adult man in small garden with mask spraying pesticide
General Pests Icon

General Pests

Control + Treatment Service

Interior and/or exterior treatment that targets spiders, fire ants, American cockroach, earwigs, silverfish, scorpions, paper wasps, floor beetles and more! We recommend getting a treatment every 60-90 days depending on the living situation.

General Pests
Closeup of an ant on a vivid green leaf
Ant Icon


Control + Treatment Service

There is nothing like walking through your San Antonio yard and realizing you just stepped into a fire any mound. It takes those fire ants about 1.2 seconds after you do it to send the signal, attack. All at once you have about a thousand ants bite with no way to stop it. If you see ants in your yard or home, do not wait, call or message us today. Our ant control expert will get rid of ants from your yard or home so you can enjoy your property again.

Closeup of a carpenter ant on the ground rearing back next to grass blades
Ant Icon

Carpenter Ants

Control + Treatment Service

Carpenter ants have a lot of work to do reducing fallen trees to sawdust, but sometimes they get confused. When a carpenter ant discovers your home and realizes all of the wood hiding in your walls, they will do the same as what they do in nature. They don't actually eat the wood like termites, but they will hollow out the wood to make a home. If you see little piles of sawdust, or even insulation in your window sills or anywhere else, contact us to get rid of carpenter ants before they do any more damage.

Carpenter Ants
Closeup of wasp on vivid yellow flower petal
Wasp Icon


Control + Removal Service

If you need San Antonio Wasp Control, you need to contact us. We have a wasp removal expert that will come to your home and remove the wasp nest safely. We will also help you to prevent wasps from returning in the future so you can enjoy your yard again without being stung. From yellow jackets to hornets, wasps can cause serious pain and make it to where you do not even want to go outside. Our wasp removal expert knows how to get rid of wasps for you and give you peace of mind.

Closeup of bees landing on and entering a wooden structure
Bee Icon

"Bad" Bees

Control + Removal Service

Killer bees are no stranger to San Antonio, I'm sure you've heard the news about the deaths in Bexar County due to the killer bee attacks. To most, these look just like the docile honey bee, but they do not share a peaceful nature. When you just get close to one of these hives, they will let you know. The first thing they do is start head-butting you, and if you do not see the warning, then they attack. Our bee removal expert will come to your home and safely remove the beehive so you can enjoy your yard without fear. Call or message us today for more information about our bee control and removal service.

"Bad" Bees
Closeup of cockroach standing on a light colored rock surveying the open sky
Cockroach Icon

German Cockroaches

Treatment Service

German cockroaches, more commonly referred to as kitchen roaches, or house roaches can be difficult to get rid of. These pests can quickly build resistance, and build their population just as fast. These roaches spread diseases and can cause allergy problems. If you have German cockroaches in your home, do not wait to get rid of them. Call or message us today so our San Antonio Roach Expert can come to your home and get rid of roaches for good. We will also give you tips on how to prevent them from returning in the future.

German Cockroaches
Closeup of mosquito dangling from the bottom of a bright green leaf
Mosquito Icon


Control + Treatment Service

Mosquitoes in San Antonio can be more than just a nuisance, they can be dangerous. With the risk of diseases like Zika and West Nile, it is important to take control of the mosquito population on your property. Our Mosquito Control Expert will come to your home and treat your yard so you can enjoy being outside again. We will also give you tips on how to keep mosquitoes away in the future. Call or message us today for more information about our mosquito control and treatment service.

Closeup of tick moving along the bottom edge of a broad leaf
Flea Icon

Fleas and Ticks

Control + Treatment Service

Fleas and ticks go together like peanut butter and jelly, but not in a good way. If you have fleas, you might have ticks as well. These pests can make being outside unbearable, and if they get into your home, they can be difficult to get rid of. Not only do they cause itching, but they can actually spread diseases as well. Our San Antonio Flea and Tick Control Expert will come to your home and treat your home and yard so you can enjoy life without the itch and fear of these pests. Call or message us today for more information about our San Antonio flea and tick control and treatment service.

Fleas and Ticks
Closeup of a brown speckled spider nestled in the center of a suspended web
Spider Icon


Control Service

Did you know San Antonio has black widow spiders, as well as the brown recluse spider? We do, and we know how to get rid of spiders in San Antonio. If you have seen spiders in your home, or have been bitten by a spider, call or message us today. Our Spider Control Expert will come to your home and remove the spiders for you so you can sleep soundly at night without fear of being bitten. We will also clean up existing spider webs and discourage them from returning.

Closeup of a brownish-red bedbug traversing a grey fabric
Bedbug Icon

Bed Bugs

Treatment Service

Bed bugs might not spread physical diseases, but the mental anguish and sleep deprivation they cause is enough. If you have bed bugs in your home, call or message us today. Bed bugs can double in population every other day, it doesn't take long for two bed bugs to become two thousand. Our Bed Bug Expert will come to your home and inspect for bed bugs. If we find them, we will treat your home and get rid of the bed bugs for good. You should not have to worry about these pests anymore, let us help you get your life back.

Bed Bugs
Picture of a man and woman removing a picture from the wall while a child looks back at the camera
Moving Out Icon

"Move Out" Treatment

Control + Treatment Service

At Pest Trappers we provide the best move out treatment, covering general pest, as well as flea treatment, along with proof of the treatment service. This prepares the property to be ready to change tenants with the peace of mind of being pest free.

"Move Out" Treatment