San Antonio Rodent Control Service

Mice, rats, and many other rodents can be a big problem in San Antonio, Texas. These creatures can carry diseases, damage your property, and even start fires if they gnaw on electrical wires. If you're dealing with a rodent problem, you need Pest Trappers San Antonio Rodent Control Service.

Rodents are attracted to food sources, so make sure to keep your garbage cans sealed tight. Keeping your distance is essential if you see a rodent on your property. These creatures can carry diseases like salmonella and hantavirus, so it's best not to take any chances.

A Rodent Infestation Happens Easily

If you happen to see a rat or a mouse in your home, you can be sure there are more where that came from. Unfortunately, rodents reproduce quickly, so it's important to call a professional for help as soon as possible. San Antonio Pest Control Company Pest Trappers Inc can take care of your rodent problem quickly and efficiently. We will identify all the entry points, trap and remove the rodents, and seal up any holes to prevent them from coming back.

Common San Antonio Mice

San Antonio is home to a few mice types, but you will most likely only have problems with the house mouse. These creatures are attracted to homes and businesses for food, water, and shelter.

The House Mouse

The house mouse is a small mammal part of the rodent family. They typically have a pointed snout, large rounded ears, and a tail that is almost hairless. They are one of San Antonio, Texas's most common types of mice. These creatures are only about 2-4 inches long, with gray or brown fur.

They can be a nuisance, but they can also pose significant health and property threats. House mice multiply quickly and can adapt to changing conditions quickly. House mice can give birth to six babies every three weeks and produce up to 35 per year. If you see a house mouse on your property, you must call a professional pest control company that deals with rodent activity for help immediately. Pest Trappers is your company for Rodent Control in San Antonio.

San Antonio Mouse Control

The first step in getting rid of mice is identifying all the entry points they use to get into your home or business. Once we have done that, we will seal up those holes and set up mouse traps. We will provide information on how to keep mice away in the future.

If you have a rodent problem, don't wait to call us for help. The longer you wait for rodent control, the more damage they will do. Instead, call Pest Trappers Inc. today for a free consultation!

Common San Antonio Rats

There are two common rats in San Antonio, the roof rat, and the Norway rat. These rodents, like mice and any other pest, are attracted to homes and businesses for food, water, and shelter. Unfortunately, these rats can both get quite large and can cause destruction to your home and spread diseases.

San Antonio Roof Rat Removal

The roof rat is also known as the black rat, even called by some a house rat or ship rat. No matter what you call it, it is a common rat in San Antonio and not something you want in your home. If you suspect you need San Antonio Roof Rat Removal, call us for a Rodent Inspection. Roof rats are typically black or dark brown in color, and have a pointy nose. They get their name because they like to live in high places, such as attics and trees. Roof rats are great climbers and can squeeze into small spaces.

Roof rats are typically about 12 inches long, including their tail. They weigh about 5-9 ounces and can live up to a year in the wild. If you see a roof rat on your property, it's important to call a professional San Antonio Tx Rodent Removal and Rodent Exclusion Professional right away as they can carry diseases such as typhus and bubonic plague, plus plenty of others.

San Antonio Norway Rat Control

The Norway Rat is no stranger to San Antonio. These rats are also called brown rats, water rats, sewer rats, and wharf rats. They are a common rat in San Antonio and not something you want in your home. If you suspect you need San Antonio Norway Rat Control, call us for a Rodent Inspection.

Norway rats are typically grey or brown in color, with a blunt noses. They get their name because they were first seen in Norway. Norway rats are typically about 16 inches long, including their tail, and weigh about 10-16 ounces. They can live up to two years in the wild. If you see a Norway rat on your property, it's important to call a professional San Antonio Tx Rodent Removal and Rodent Exclusion Professional right away as they can carry diseases such as typhus, Weil's disease, and many more pathogens.

San Antonio Rat Control

If you suspect rodent activity, from holes in your walls to rodent droppings to finding nesting sites, you need to call us immediately. Rodent feces can cause serious health problems. Rats might even leave rat droppings in your pet food and can contaminate food to make you or your pet sick. Beyond that, they can chew electrical wiring, risking electrical fires in your home! So protect your biggest investment, get rid of rodents, and prevent future infestations of new rodents by letting our San Antonio Rodent Control Experts provide the best Pest Control Services to eliminate your rodent population.

These pest problems are not easy to solve. You can not just throw out some rat traps or live traps and take care of them. And just putting out rodent baits can be dangerous. We at San Antonio Pest Trappers will conduct a thorough inspection during our rodent control program. Our Rodent Control Experts will then decide what the best treatment methods are, such as trapping methods, rodent traps, and rodent bait stations when necessary. Finally, our expert will determine the proper way to place traps to take care of your pest problems quickly.

The Best San Antonio Rodent Pest Control Services

San Antonio Pest Control Company Pest Trappers Inc can take care of all your animal control needs. Pest Trappers specializes in the humane removal of nuisance animals such as raccoons, skunks, possums, and rodents. We will evaluate your property, determine how the animals are getting in, and take care of the problem quickly and efficiently. Call us today for a free consultation!

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San Antonio Rodent Control
A smiling man standing in front of a truck holding a baby racoon.