Got Pests in San Antonio?
We are a local family-owned business with 7 years of pest control experience.

Specializing in organic pest control, and humane wildlife removal - we know our way around San Antonio and it’s vermin.

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Affordable San Antonio Pest Control

Looking for reliable and affordable San Antonio Pest Control services? Look no further!

We are family owned and operated, and we have a commitment to quality that is second to none. We always have someone on call for emergencies, and we offer discounts to lower income households.

Our prices are always competitive - and because we're a smaller company, we can offer a more personalized service.
A cute possum nestled in the shirt pocket of a determined man

Our Solutions

We understand how important it is to have a pest-free home or business.
If you need more information, click and learn how we can help.

Here's How We Do It

We follow a straight forward 3-step process with every customer:
Free Quote
Let's talk strategy
We'll solve your problem
And keep it gone!

Our Pest Control Service Areas

We offer premium home and commercial pest control & wildlife removal services to San Antonio and the surrounding areas.
A map depicting the city of San Antonio, Texas.

Family Owned, Neighbor Approved

We’ve built a reputation for getting the job done where others fail.

Our customers know that they can count on us to provide effective pest control services that will keep their homes and businesses free of pests.
They're quick, efficient, and always seem to know exactly what to do. I highly recommend them to anyone who's looking for a good pest control company.
Adam Morales
5002 Apartment Leasing
I have never had an issue with pests since I started using this pest control company. They are always on time and very thorough.
David Gonzalez
Airbnb Owner
I have been using Pest Trappers for 5 years and have never been happier. They are always on time, professional, and do a great job. I would recommend them to anyone!
Sarah Bimbledome
SAISD Facilities

Pest Control Services in San Antonio TX

"Pest control services" is a broad term that includes all kinds of animal and insect control. You might think, "Surely my pest problem isn't as bad as all that! I just need to kill one bug or get rid of one tick." But it's important to remember that pests can be dangerous, not only because they may carry diseases but also because they can damage your home and belongings. However, when you call the right pest control company for the job, there's nothing more satisfying than seeing your home return to normal after a thorough treatment. We are ready to show you why we are the best San Antonio pest control company for your needs.

Best Pest Control in San Antonio

Protecting your home from pests can be a daunting task. Not only are there many types of pests to worry about, but there are also many different ways that they can enter your home and cause damage.

Pest control services are available in San Antonio, TX, so you don't have to worry about getting rid of any unwanted visitors. You should always choose a reliable company when choosing pest control services because they will be able to help protect your home and make it safe for living. There are many different types of pest control services in San Antonio, Texas such as mosquito spraying or bed bug treatments for example; however, the most common type would probably include wildlife control since these animals tend to stay out at night time when humans aren't awake yet so they don't get caught by the homeowners!

San Antonio Pest Control Company You Can Trust

If you're in the market for a pest control company, you have plenty of options. But it's important to choose a reliable business that can service your needs and make sure you are happy. Look no further than our family-owned pest control business! We've been in the San Antonio Pest Control Industry for almost a decade, and we have a long list of satisfied customers who speak highly of us.

We are licensed and insured, so you'll know that your pest problems will be taken care of properly.

San Antonio Pest Control Business that Cares

Our San Antonio Pest control business is to help you. We are here to protect your home and family. You want a San Antonio TX pest control company that not only cares about keeping your home freevarious services to ensure that your home is free of pests and of pests but also makes sure it stays safe for you and your family as well. That is where Pest Trappers comes in. We offer a variety of services to make sure that your home is free of pests and also safe for you and your family. We also offer Termite Control San Antonio.

Pest Trappers is the best San Antonio Pest Control Company because:

-We offer a wide range of services to meet your needs

-We are a family Pest Control business

-We are licensed and insured

-We care about our customers and their satisfaction

-We have been serving San Antonio for almost a decade

-We treat household pests as well as commercial pests

-We provide quality pest control with reliable service

-We will give you a free quote from our highly trained expert

Call Pest Trappers today and schedule a consultation to see how we can help you with your pest problems!

Residential Pest Control in San Antonio TX

When you need pest control for your San Antonio home, you can trust Pest Trappers to do the job right. We have a wide range of services to meet your needs, and we're a family-owned business that cares about our customers. We're licensed and insured, so you can rest assured that your home is in good hands.

Pest control is important for any homeowner because it helps to keep your home free of pests and also safe for you and your family. There are many different types of pests that can invade your home, and they can cause a lot of damage. Read about San Antonio Termite Damage here to learn more.

Commercial Pest Control in San Antonio, TX

From restaurants to office buildings, Pest Trappers has you covered when it comes to commercial pest control in San Antonio. Pest control is important for any business because it helps to keep your workplace free of pests and also safe for your employees. There are many different types of pests that can invade your workplace, and they can cause a lot of damage.

Pests can also destroy a company's reputation. If customers see pests in your business, they will not want to come back. You might even get bad reviews, possibly with pictures of the pests that customers saw in your business. That is why it is so important to have a pest control plan in place to keep your business pest-free.

Pest Trappers offers a variety of exterminator services to meet the needs of your business, and we're always here to help if you have any questions.

San Antonio Wildlife Control and Wildlife Removal

Wildlife control and wildlife removal are important for any homeowner in San Antonio because it helps to keep your home free of animals and also safe for you and your family. There are many different types of animals that can invade your home, and they can cause a lot of damage.

Animals can also carry diseases, which can be harmful to you and your family. That is why it is so important to have a wildlife control plan in place to keep your home animal-free.

Pest Trappers offers a variety of wildlife control and removal services to meet the needs of your home, and we're always here to help if you have any questions.

San Antonio Skunk Removal

The last thing you want to see is your child playing in the backyard and going up to what he thinks is a cute furry animal, just to look out and see him about to pet a skunk. That is right, skunks can make their way into your backyard in their search for food. If you spot one, contact us for the best San Antonio Skunk Removal Services.

San Antonio Opossum Removal Service

Opossums might be good for getting rid of other pests, but unfortunately, they do not stick to just that. When they make a home around your home, or in it, they can actually cause major damage. In our San Antonio Opossum Removal Service, we can find them a better home. Leave the flea and tick control to us, not the opossum in your yard.

San Antonio Raccoon Removal Service

Raccoons will not only destroy your trash before the garbageman has a chance to empty it, but they also like to make a home in your attic or crawlspace under your home. When they do this, not only will there be bacteria from them, but they can also have babies and increase their population. They can be destructive and, like rodents, even cause fires! For San Antonio Raccoon Removal, give us a call!

Wildlife Exclusion

The best way to not have a wildlife problem in your home is through exclusion.  Pest Trappers offers a variety of exclusion services to meet the needs of your home, and we're always here to help if you have any questions.

Exclusion is the process of making it so animals cannot enter your home in the first place. This can be done through a variety of methods, such as installing animal-proof fencing, sealing up holes and cracks, and removing food sources.

Pest Trappers will work with you to find the best exclusion methods for your home.

Rodent Control

Rodents can be a very serious problem. They can transmit diseases, damage property, cause fires and destroy food. Rodents are also known to damage electrical wiring and insulation as well as woodwork. Rodents also carry fleas and ticks which can lead to more problems for your family.

If you have rodents in your home or business our San Antonio Rodent Control Experts would like to help you eliminate this problem! Our technicians will provide an inspection of your property and determine the best way to solve the problem as quickly as possible so that you can get on with enjoying your life again!

San Antonio Bed Bug Control

San Antonio Bed bugs are a serious problem. While they may seem like a problem that only hotels, restaurants, and other public places face, the fact is that they can be found in your home or apartment. These pests feed on blood and live in furniture, mattresses, and carpets. If you notice signs of bed bugs in your home (these include small red or black spots on sheets), it’s important to call an exterminator immediately to treat them before they cause further damage.

Bed bug extermination services should be done as soon as the first signs of bed bugs. These pests can double in population every other day! It's not that bad when two bed bugs become four, but then four becomes eight, and before a month is up you can have well over 10,000 bedbugs!

Termite Control in San Antonio

Yes, termites are a big problem in San Antonio. That is why a large part of our company's focus is on termite control. We also offer extensive knowledge on termites, don't worry; we keep it simple to understand. Take a look below!

Wasp Control in San Antonio

You don't have to be a professional exterminator to know that wasps can be a real pain. Not only do they sting, but their nests are also unsightly and pose a danger to your family, pets, and property. If you need San Antonio Wasp Removal, we want to help you in getting rid of wasps before they get out of hand, look no further than our full-service pest control company! With almost a decade of experience in the Pest Control industry, our friendly technicians will take care of everything for you.

Roach Extermination Services in San Antonio

Roaches are more than just unsightly,  they can also be dangerous to your health. If you have roaches in your home, it's important to get rid of them as soon as possible. Roaches can spread diseases and trigger allergies, so it's not worth taking the risk. Our San Antonio Roach Exterminator services are designed to quickly and effectively get rid of these pests for good! We use state-of-the-art equipment and products to make sure that your roach problem is taken care of quickly and efficiently.

Cockroach infestations can be a big problem, but our experienced technicians can quickly eradicate these pests for you!

Ant Control

Ants are a common problem in many San Antonio households and yards. Ants can be dangerous and destructive. They can cause pain, allergic reactions, food poisoning, food spoilage, and contamination. When you have ants in your home or business it is important to get them out as quickly as possible. The best way to do this is by hiring a professional pest control company that has the right equipment and experience necessary to take care of your ant problem fast!

Carpenter Ant Control

Carpenter ants can be a problem in San Antonio if left untreated. They are a threat to your home and property. Carpenter ants will chew at wood to create galleries to grow their colony, which can lead to structural damage. If you suspect you have carpenter ants in your home or business, contact Pest Trappers, we have experienced pest control professionals!

Spider Control

Spiders are common in Texas and can be found in almost every home. However, you probably don't want them there. Spiders are beneficial to the environment by killing other insects and spiders that may be harmful to humans. They also help prevent other insects from destroying crops, so their presence is important for crop production.

In most cases, spiders do not bite humans—but not always. In San Antonio, we have some spiders that can be very dangerous, such as the black widow spider, as well as the brown recluse spider.  If you are bitten by a spider, it's important to seek medical attention immediately.

If you want to get rid of spiders in your home or business, the best way to do this is by calling Pest Trappers.

Scorpion Control in San Antonio TX

Scorpions have a painful sting, not something you ever want to experience.  If you see a scorpion in your home, it's important to call Pest Trappers right away. Scorpions are not only dangerous to humans, but they can also be dangerous to pets.

Scorpions are most active at night and during the summer months. If you see one during the day, it's probably because it's looking for food or water. Scorpions eat insects, so if you have them in your home, it's likely because there are other insects present in your home as well.

Our family pest control company has massive experience in scorpion control, give our office staff a call today for a free quote and to schedule an appointment!

Mosquito Control

Mosquitoes can be a nuisance, especially during the summer months. They can carry diseases and make life miserable. The best way to prevent mosquitoes is with a mosquito control service that includes the use of state-approved pesticides by trained professionals.

Mosquito control should be done in the spring, summer, and fall.

If you are concerned about mosquitoes, it's important to know that there are several ways to combat them. The best way is with a mosquito control service.

Get Rid of Fleas

If you're looking for a flea removal company in San Antonio, look no further than Pest Trappers. Our family-owned business has been providing flea control services in the area for almost a decade and handles both residential and commercial properties. We have extensive experience treating fleas, which are common pests here due to the warm climate—and we can get them under control quickly!

As you might know, fleas cause irritation and itching on their host animals' skin or fur. If they're left untreated over time (or if your pet doesn't respond well to treatments), they can also transmit diseases such as tapeworms or plague. These parasites don't discriminate between cats, dogs, or humans either: if you live with pets who spend time outside—whether on an urban lot or in an apartment complex—you may need help getting rid of these pesky critters as well!

Tick Extermination

Ticks are literally the bane of our existence. They can transmit diseases to humans and animals, and they can be a nuisance in any environment where there is grass or shrubbery. If you see a tick on your body or on an animal who lives with you, it's imperative that you remove it as soon as possible.

Ticks are small arachnids (they look like spiders) that typically live in wooded areas and near grassy fields. They move slowly but deliberately along the ground searching for hosts from which they'll suck blood; this is how they survive.

Honey Bees & Hive Removal

Normal honey bees are not aggressive and they don't want to sting people. They will only sting if they feel threatened. But sometimes they do not pick a proper place to build their hive. We can help with that.

On another note, there are the Africanized Honey Bees, AKA Killer Bees. These bees can be very aggressive. One tell-tale sign is when you get too close to a killer bee colony, they will start flying into you, basically headbutting you. This is their warning, and if this happens then you will want to get somewhere safe and give us a call ASAP! They have been known to put people in the hospital, and worse.

Pest control service is widely available, but it's important to choose a reliable company.

Choosing a commercial or residential pest control provider is not as simple as picking the first one you find when you search for Pest Control Near Me. When choosing a pest control service, it's important to choose one that is licensed, insured, and reliable. You should also look for companies that offer a guarantee on their work, as well as free estimates or inspections. A good reputation is another important thing to keep in mind when choosing your pest control service. Give us a call and find out why the people of San Antonio trust Pest Trappers for their pest control needs!